NYX VX logo

We are focussed on driving innovation and disruption using the Metaverse, VR & AR technologies. As an Epic Games MegaGrant recipient, we have extensive experience to accelerate brand engagement and brand adoption.

Our latest projects
VR icon

Full 3D Environment

NYX VX delivers truly immersive and thought provoking experiences in full 3D environments supporting full VR & AR capabilities.

Unreal Engine

Built on Unreal Engine

We are breaking the traditional shackles and limitations allowing creatives in a number of areas to bring their imaginations to life in a way we have never seen before.




In 2022, NYX VX was the recipient of an Epic Games MegaGrant to build technology for the Metaverse. Our goal was to solve the interoperability problem that many Metaverse creators are facing today. Enter Icona, our Universal Avatar System which enables users to carry digital assets across worlds and Metaverses. DeltaPrism is our secure data governance fabric which delivers Rights Management, Usage Tracking & Hardened Encryption.


Work with our production team to create a virtual experience that will blow the competition out of the water. Whether you are a musician, artist or a business with a requirement for a corporate virtual experience, we have got you covered. We have recently completed a project for a technology vendor that is being used to drive sales pipeline and brand awareness. Our first VR experience built on Unreal Engine was featured in Epic Games Monthly newsletter - MegaNews (October 2022).


Brand Engagement

More and more businesses of all sizes are recognising that there has been a shift in the way their consumers engage with content and make purchasing decisions. Both VR & AR are being deployed to transform the user experience and accelerate both brand adoption and brand engagement. Although the Metaverse still has a long way to go, VR & AR are the technologies being used today to supercharge the user experience and shorten the time to value.


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